MARLON DE AZAMBUJA: concrete Movement

10 May - 5 June 2014


May 10, saturday

For his second solo show at Galeria Marilia Razuk, Marlon de Azambuja presents a selection of works,  among videos and a series of black paintings that result from his research related to architecture and its representations. The exhibition titled MovimentoConcreto (Concrete Movement) brings the namesake work formed by a series of videos made on Avenida Paulista (Sao Paulo) in 2009, in which the photographer moves the camera to get a sensual balance of buildings, referring to dancing and masturbation and playing with the concept of stability offered by a city.

Multimedia artist, Marlon uses various languages, such as photography, collage, drawing, video,sculpture and installation for small "transgressions" in the public space and exhibition space itself, inviting the viewer to reflect on the possibilities of establishing new relations with the surroundings.


Marlon de Azambuja was born in Santo Antonio da Patrulha, Brazil, 1978. Lives and works in Madrid, Spain. Selected solo shows: Casas Modernistas para Pássaros, Galería Zaum Projects, Lisbon, Portugal (2008); Movimento Concreto, Galeria Furini, Rome, Italy (2009); Projeto Moderno, Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo, Brazil (2009); Operaciones, Explum, Puerto Lumbreras, Spain (2010); Niveles, curated by Neus Cortés, Espai Quatro, Casal Solleric, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (2010);Editora Calle, Galeria Marilia Razuk, São Paulo, Brazil (2011); Gran Fachada, Galeria Max Estrella, Madrid, Spain (2011). Selected group shows: I Bienal del Fuego, curated by Fernando Castro Florez, Museu de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela (2006); TBA, Galeria Begoña Malone, Madrid, Spain (2007); La Ligne, La Vitrine, Paris, France (2009); Residency 09, Futura Project, Prague, Czech Republic (2009); Kierkegaards Walks, curated by Jacopo Crivelli, Galeria Marilia Razuk, São Paulo, Brazil (2010); 12o Cairo Bienal, Cairo, Egypt (2010); 8a Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brazil (2011); 11a Bienal de Cuenca, Ecuador (2011); 11a Bienal de La Habana, Cuba (2012).

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